Welcome to PlusVirtual Single Unified ePharmacy Platform

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Welcome to the Founders page of PlusVirtual! Here, we are delighted to introduce you to the brilliant minds behind our innovative company. Meet the visionaries who founded PlusVirtual and continue to shape its growth and success.

Zahra Jazayeri
Zahra Jazayeri
CEO and Co-founder

Zahra is the driving force behind PlusVirtual, leading the company with her extensive experience and unwavering dedication. With a background in technology and a passion for creating groundbreaking solutions, Zahra's visionary leadership has been instrumental in shaping PlusVirtual into a leading provider of virtual reality solutions.

Abolfazl Khusniddinov
Abolfazl Khusniddinov
CTO and Co-founder

As the Chief Technology Officer, Abolfazl spearheads the technical aspects of PlusVirtual's operations. With a deep understanding of virtual reality technologies and a penchant for innovation, Abolfazl plays a crucial role in developing cutting-edge software and hardware solutions that redefine the boundaries of immersive experiences.

Fariborz Khabbazian
Fariborz Khabbazian
CMO and Co-founder

Providing multiple solutions to expand the culture of online drug discovery, in order to reduce transportation and transportation costs, and save time, is a pointer to the future, which Fariborz will advance in a coherent and focused program, with the help of PlusVirtual colleagues.

Mehdi Valipour
Mehdi Valipour
COO and Co-founder

Mehdi's industrial engineering background, coupled with his project management expertise, make him an invaluable asset to PlusVirtual. His dedication to operational excellence and his commitment to leveraging technology to enhance healthcare services contribute significantly to the company's mission of revolutionizing the pharmaceutical industry.

We invite you to explore the profiles of our visionary founders and learn more about their remarkable achievements. Their collective brilliance and shared vision continue to guide PlusVirtual towards new horizons in the realm of immersive technologies.