Welcome to PlusVirtual Single Unified ePharmacy Platform

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June Update [1.22] Released!

June Update [1.22] Released!

With the update [1.22] that our development team released for June, we took another step forward in our technical roadmap for 2021. This release enables pharmacies directly register in PlusVirtual Platform so the users can send their prescriptions to them.

What's new in [1.22] release?

  • Add support for pharmacies registration
  • Extending features for existing modules
  • Bug fixes and other minor improvements

Add support for pharmacies registration

Before this update, pharmacies were registered in PlusVirtual Platform by administrators. But we enabled the pharmacies to register directory through the Pharmacies Registration section and to be available for the users to send prescriptions to.

What's next?

This month's release is another step to the decentralization of our platform. We are planning to add new features for the prescriptions in the coming months. So stay tuned and follow our blog to get the latest news regarding our platform updates.