Welcome to PlusVirtual Single Unified ePharmacy Platform

  Contact : +1 (289) 807-2141


December Update [1.28] Released!

December Update [1.28] Released!

By ending Q4 of 2021, we concluded our technical roadmap for PlusVirtual platform with Aceso. The last release of Aceso is [1.28] and it adds blockchain payments to our payment methods.

What's new in [1.28] release?

  • Blockchain Payments
  • Extending features for existing modules
  • Bug fixes and other minor improvements

Blockchain Payments

As an experimental phase and concluding our technical vision for PlusVirtual platform in 2021, our development team added the ability to make prescription payments on blockchain structure. We will get more feedback from our clients to improve this experience in the coming 2022 year.

What's next?

This release is the final step in our development roadmap for 2021. We are very glad that we accomplished all goals that we had from the beginning of this year. We will outline our 2022 technical vision in the next month. So stay tuned and follow our blog to get the latest news regarding our platform updates.